Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Know What Day it Is

That's right. It is Weigh In Wednesday!

I cannot speak for all of us, but I am down .5 lbs.

Half a pound.

Not great, but it is progress and that is how I am choosing to look at it. Besides, I know that even though I am only down 1.5 pounds total my belly is less disgusting already and even my husband said he could see my body shape changing.

Slowly but surely.

I may not take all of your money, but I sure will look good not doing so.

Ugh. It is too early for me to try to spin clever phrases.

And listen, if you are feeling bad about only losing one pound, go in your pantry and take a look at what a one pound bag of flour or rice looks like.

Feel better?

Good luck losers!


Christina said...

Nearly two pounds down for me this week. Also not earth shattering, but I'll take it. I guess I'm going with the tortoise-plan of weight-loss: slow and steady wins the race. Now I just need to hope it's not too slow to be lapped by someone else in the game!

(But I did break into the 180's today - haven't seen those in over five years!)

Stimey said...

I lost this week too. I never thought I'd be happy to see the number that popped up on the scale, but I was.

I like the look at the pound of rice plan. I'm going to go look at three and a half pounds.


1A said...

My pants are getting loose! Maybe I'll be able to sing Pants on the Ground soon.

AnnetteK said...

Well I lost the 2 that I gained last week plus another pound down. So yay!

Unknown said...

I like the idea of looking at a pound of flour. Right now, I've left 25 lbs behind me - now with this challenge of course but since Thanksgiving. I am excited!

polarama said...

I only lost a pound too, but am trying to see the bigger (heh) picture.

Selfish Mom said...

I'm down another 3.2 lbs, for a 2-week total of 8.2 lbs. I think it's because I started drinking more water. OK, OK, started drinking any water at all. OK! It's Crystal Light. But it's watered down. And for the first time in memory I'm not dehydrated and storing extra water.

CaraBee said...

I'm down three pounds this week! I'm a loser, baby!

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